Is this thing still on?
I am going to sit down tonight and make a longer post, but I felt the need to make a quick one this morning.
Wow…I set a goal almost a year ago to make at least one post a week…and I think I managed 3 per year or something along those lines, so much for that goal.
Lately I’ve been feeling a strong push to get back into the world of writing, but for myself and helping others in their endeavors. To that means, I’ve started posting some of my older writings here on the blog for anyone that might be interested. I’ve got them hidden from the main page, but if you click the menu button on the top right you will see a new link “My Writings“, just click that and you’ll be able to read them. Right now I’m just going to be posting a few per day (I’ve got a backlog of about 100 to add from years and years ago). I didn’t want to spam everyone’s inbox with new post notifications, so these writings when added won’t notify you, you’ll just have to check back from time to time to see any new ones (and of course I’ll also mention it in posts from time to time).
I plan to get back to at least one post per week and actually stick to it this time. I’ve got a lot of stuff on my mind and a lot of ideas to get out of my head, so be on the lookout for more soon!